What does “fly-over country” mean?

Wikipedia Definition: American phrase describing the parts of the contiguous United States between the East and the West Coasts. The origins of the phrase and the attitudes of its supposed users are a source of debate in American culture; the term is often regarded as pejorative, but is sometimes "reclaimed" and used defensively. The term refers to the interior regions of the country passed over during transcontinental flights, particularly flights between the nation's two most populous urban agglomerations: the Northeastern Megalopolis and Southern California.

Cambridge Definition: Parts of the United States which many people only see when they fly over them on journeys to the other coast, but which they would never visit.

Urban Dictionary Definition: States in the middle of the United States that generally aren't destinations for travelers or tourists and are generally flown over when traveling from coast to coast.

👇 Article’s from America’s so-called “Fly-Over Country” 👇